Human vs. Automated Data Labeling: How to Choose the Right Approach

7 min readJul 9, 2024


Choosing the right data labeling approach is crucial for AI training. Human and automated data labelling both have their own benefits and limitations, and one should be sure when to use them

The process of annotating data to provide context for ML models is a critical step in ensuring high-quality AI training. Companies often face a dilemma: Should they opt for human data labeling or automated data labeling? Which to use when, and how to strike a balance or use a hybrid data labeling process?

To address these common questions, we have explored the benefits and limitations of both approaches in this article and shown how to choose the right data labeling approach for your AI and ML projects.

Understand data labeling for training AI models

Data labeling involves tagging data samples — such as images, text, or audio — with meaningful labels that ML models can learn from. This process is essential for supervised learning, where models rely on labeled data to identify patterns and make predictions.

Human data labeling relies on experts manually annotating data, which guarantees high accuracy and the ability to handle nuanced information. On the other hand, automated data labeling uses algorithms and tools to label data, offering a more efficient and scalable solution.

Human data labeling for training AI models

Benefits of human labeling

  • High Accuracy: Humans can understand context, subtlety, and complexity better than automated systems.
  • Handling Ambiguity: Humans excel at interpreting nuanced data, such as sarcasm in text or subtle differences in images, which automated systems might miss.
  • Quality Control: Regular checks by human annotators maintain high-quality training data and are crucial for the development of robust AI models.

Limitations of human labeling

  • Time-Consuming: Human data labeling requires significant effort and time, slowing down the data preparation process.
  • Costly: Due to labor costs, human data labeling can be expensive, especially for large-scale projects.
  • Scalability Issues: It is difficult to scale efforts and this is one of the major limitations of human labeling, especially with regards to massive datasets, demanding much human resources and time.

Applications of human-annotated data:

  • Medical Imaging: Annotating medical images for training diagnostic AI systems, where accuracy is critical.
  • Sentiment Analysis: Labeling text data for sentiment analysis to understand customer opinions and feedback.
  • Autonomous Vehicles: Identifying and labeling objects in images or video feeds to train self-driving cars on how to recognize and react to different scenarios.
  • Content Moderation: Manually reviewing and labeling content for compliance by human annotators with community guidelines on social media platforms.

By balancing human expertise with automated efficiency in annotation, you can create datasets that help AI models to perform accurately and intelligently.

Automated data labeling for training AI models

Benefits of automated labeling

  • Efficiency: You can label large volumes of data in a fraction of the time taken by human annotators, by using automated data labeling tools.
  • Cost-Effective: It reduces the need for high amount of skilled human labour, cutting down on expenses, making it beneficial for startups or projects with limited budgets.
  • Scalability: As data volume grows, automated systems can handle the increased load without a corresponding increase in time or cost.

Limitations of automated labeling

  • Accuracy Concerns: The limitations of automated labeling stem from its inherent biases due to algorithmic limitations or insufficient training data.
  • Limited Context Understanding: Automated systems often struggle to nail data ambiguity and interpret subtle context cues, leading to less precise labeling.
  • Dependency on Quality Training Data: If the training data lacks quality, the performance of the automated system diminishes considerably.

Application of automated data labeling

  • Image Recognition: Automated tools quickly label large volumes of visual data essential for training models in object detection, facial recognition, and other image-based applications.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): Automating the annotation of extensive text datasets helps in building language models and improving tasks such as machine translation, text classification, and sentiment analysis.
  • Speech Recognition: Efficiently tagging audio data for training voice recognition systems, enhancing the accuracy and performance of virtual assistants and other speech-related technologies.
  • Predictive Maintenance: Labeling sensor data to train predictive algorithms in industrial settings. This application helps in anticipating equipment failures and optimizing maintenance schedules.

Automated data labeling versus manual data labeling

Let’s discuss the differences between automated data labeling and manual data labeling in contents that are available in a range of formats, including text, audio, video, and image data.

· Training Data Quality: Human data labeling offers high accuracy due to human judgment and expertise. However, automated data labeling has potential for errors and biases.

· Model Performance: Improved performance with nuances and high-quality data is what is expected from human annotated data. The variable performance of automatically labeled data depends on the initial quality of data used.

· Annotation Techniques: Data labeled by human annotators ensures precision, whereas there are readily available algorithms and tools for fast and scalable labeling.

These basic differences highlight the strengths and weaknesses of each data labeling approach, showing how they impact training data quality, model performance, and the techniques used for data annotation.

Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth’s active learning approach enabled their ML model to quickly adapt for the automatic labeling for 1,000 images. Without automated labeling, the cost incurred was $260. With automated labeling, the cost dropped to $189.44, achieving a 27% cost reduction.

Now let’s visualize the accuracy of human versus automated labeling using an mIoU (Mean Intersection over Union) graph. Here’s what was found:

  • Human labelers achieved an average mIoU of approximately 0.7.
  • Automated labeling achieved an average mIoU of just above 0.6.

This illustrates that while automated labeling is more cost-effective, it slightly lags behind human labeling in terms of accuracy.

How to choose the best data labeling approach

· Consider Dataset Size: Smaller datasets benefit from human labeling because it ensures high accuracy and attention to detail, like a small set of medical images used for diagnostic models. On the other hand, larger datasets, such as those used for social media sentiment analysis, require automated solutions for efficiency and scalability.

· Complexity of Data: The benefits of human labeling shine through with complex or ambiguous data. For instance, interpreting nuanced sentiments in customer reviews or annotating detailed medical images often demands the discernment of human experts to ensure accuracy and context.

· Budget Constraints: One of the best benefits of automated labeling is that it is cost-effective since it reduces labor costs significantly. For example, companies processing large amounts of e-commerce data can save by using automated tools to categorize products or identify trends quickly.

· Time Sensitivity: Automated solutions provide faster turnaround times, which is critical in dynamic environments. Real-time data labeling for traffic monitoring systems benefits from automated processes to quickly analyze and respond to changing conditions.

· Quality Requirements: For projects demanding high-quality, precise data, human labeling is indispensable. This is crucial in fields like legal document analysis, where the accuracy of annotations can have significant implications.

Hybrid approach to data annotation — the best of both worlds

Hybrid techniques blend the strengths of both human and automated methods, achieving superior results. Automated systems handle large volumes of data quickly, while human expertise ensures accuracy and context.

For instance, in medical imaging, automated tools first identify potential issues in radiology images, and human experts then verify these findings for precise diagnoses.

Similarly, in natural language processing, automated tools categorize customer feedback, and human reviewers refine these labels to capture nuanced sentiments. This balanced approach enhances both efficiency and data quality, making it ideal for complex and large-scale projects.


The decision between human and automated data labeling should be guided by the complexity of the data, the need for contextual understanding, the scale of the dataset, and the available resources.

Human data labeling offers the highest accuracy and contextual understanding, making it ideal for complex and high-stakes tasks. Automated data labeling provides speed, scalability, and cost-effectiveness, making it suitable for large datasets and routine tasks.

A hybrid approach combining the strengths of both methods often yields the best results by providing a balanced data labeling solution that leverages the speed of automation and the accuracy of human oversight.




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